What To Expect
You are never alone. There is hope. Birthright is here for you for as long as you need us. Birthright services are always nonjudgmental, confidential and free. Birthright is a compassionate place to receive love, support and information.
We will help you find solutions that fit with your life; plans that work for you and your pregnancy. Birthright welcomes all women regardless of circumstances. When you’re ready to talk, we’re here. No pressure, scare tactics or lectures.
Birthright is here to help you plan for your future. Whether you need referrals, information, a pregnancy test, baby or maternity items, Birthright has many resources available for you.
Get in touch with Birthright by visiting our center at 214 E. 3rd in Hutchinson, KS, by calling our 24/7 Helpline, or by emailing us at birthrighthutch@gmail.com.
Above all else, Birthright offers compassion, understanding and support. We provide pregnancy test, maternity, clothes, layettes (basket with basic needs for a newborn: soap, lotion, blankets, clothes, diapers and wipes) children clothes from newborn up to 2 Toddlers, diapers, wipes, and formula when available. We are able to provide resource information for other needs as well.
Love & Support
Birthright services are always free, confidential and available to any woman regardless of age, race, circumstances, religion, marital status or financial situation.
When you’re ready to talk, we’ll be here and ready to listen. Our services are free, non-judgmental and confidential.
Get referrals for medical support, financial, legal and employment resources, housing, counselling and more.
Information about pregnancy, parenting, adoption, child safety, programs, personal development and more.
Pregnancy Tests Maternity and Baby Items
Reaching Out
24/7 Free Helpline:
Who do we help?
We help women, girls, and families with many different needs. All races, all income levels, all religions are represented. Everyone receives the compassionate, personal care that Birthright can give.
Why does Birthright want to help?
When a woman learns that she is pregnant, Birthright offers support during this critical time. In the eyes of some she becomes a statistic, not an individual…she is lumped onto a page of numbers and notations… friends and family may offer every reaction from pity to rage…social media may attempt to convince her the unplanned pregnancy is an inconvenient stumbling block on the road of progress. Birthright believes that both mother and baby are important; both deserve dignity and worth. We believe that you should have a helping hand and encouragement. We believe that you are capable of making your own decision. Birthright is here for expecting mothers and families in need of support during trying times.
Nothing is as loving (or as needed today!) as one person reaching out to another. Birthright wants to extend its helping hand to you right now. More than anything else, our helping hand means that you are not alone. We care about YOU…
History of Birthright in Hutchinson
Mary Jane Boyd and Judy Stevens were impressed with the miracle of life and wanted to do something. They wanted to help pregnant girls and women; educate and support them. That’s when an article appeared in the Wichita newspaper about a new organization that had just been formed called Birthright. A non-sectarian, non-political organization that believed in a hands on approach to helping women carry their babies to term. An organization that cares about women and their unborn babies. The services offered were free, nonjudgmental and confidential, and available to anyone in need. That is what Birthright still does today. Mary Jane Boyd and Judy Stevens met with the director of Birthright in Wichita where they learned how to gain the support and donations needed to start Birthright in Hutchinson.
Birthright of Hutchinson opened its doors in June, 1973 located in the basement of attorney Greg Dinges’ office. Mr. Dinges believed it was a worthy cause and offered the basement rent free. When Mr. Dinges’ office moved to 200 East 3rd, he brought Birthright with him. Birthright was given the office in the back of his building with a private entrance and remained at that location for 10 years.
In August of 1980 Birthright moved to one of Mr. Dinges’ rental homes located at 214 East 3rd with an agreement to pay rent of $128 a month with the option to purchase the house the following year. Shortly after that Birthright became the proud owner of the house and still resides there today. Birthright was blessed from the very beginning to have Mr. Greg Dinges step up and provide a place for Birthright, eventually giving us a permanent home. They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and that is true with Mr. Greg Dinges Jr. who has served on the Birthright Board of Directors and continues to financially support Birthright.